Let’s Get curious!
In this one-hour session, participants will learn how to activate prior knowledge using a research-based graphic organizer entitled “What Do I Know?” empowering students of all abilities to share their knowledge of a topic prior to reading. Once students have shared their background knowledge and read a piece of text, students will have the opportunity to create a series of inquiry questions. According to Brugar and Roberts (2022), “…inquiry is for all students, including those who are still building the skills that inquiry requires, especially for those kids because it provides so many opportunities to adjust instructional and scaffold learning.” These inquiry questions tap into students’ natural curiosity. As a result, teachers will be able to determine learning gaps, giving students the tools they need to be successful. Finally, participants will learn how to utilize “What Do I Already Know” and QAR as formative assessments, providing purposeful and worthwhile feedback to the teacher and students.
Here are the reproducibles:
Digital handouts:
21 Questions to Ask Your Child About a Book
25 Activities for Reading and Writing Fun